low-carbon denver food delivery

There was a time when I wouldn’t order take out because of the material waste. The containers. The styrofoam, shudder.

That ship has sailed. I mean, don’t get me wrong: I still don’t love the waste. But my view on our planetary crisis has evolved and also, I am human, and sometimes I just want some delicious food delivered to my doorstep. We’re not going to restaurants in-person like we once were, amiright?

I still try not to order out too often, and when picking restaurants, I think about their overall commitment to sustainability. I order vegetarian; mostly vegan. I don’t waste any of it! And another thing I think about is: how am I getting the food? Delivery is super convenient, but at what cost to our health? I sure don’t want more cars zig-zagging the city delivering food and spewing out toxic emissions. Transportation emissions are one of the main sources of CO2 emissions and causes of our region’s poor air quality.

I know, I know, it’s not that fun to think about the environmental impact of our take-out habits. Can’t we just enjoy that pad thai we’ve been craving? Well, in this case, it might actually be possible to have our cake and eat it too, if you will. Below you’ll find a draft list of restaurants in the Denver area that deliver food by bike.

But first, some disclaimers: this list has not been thoroughly vetted. I’m adding to it all the time based on information from my own experiences, and that of friends and acquaintances. Most restaurants only deliver within a certain radius. Restaurants might change their delivery mode at any time, and it could vary day to day. Always call ahead to inquire (and let me know what they say!). Please do tell me about of any other low-carbon food delivery options you know of!